Ever felt worn out and useless right amidst the work day? Do you feel as if you can't remain healthy and fit since you sit at a work area to much? You're not the only one. Here are our main 20 tips for remaining healthy at the workplace!
1. Know You Sleeping Pattern.

It’s important to get enough sleep to help you function properly in the office and for any job or task you do. Some people need 8 hours, some need less. Either way, by knowing the sleep time you need will increase your productivity in the day.
2. Eat Breakfast Every Morning.

Breakfast gives you energy for the morning. When you eat breakfast, you’ll have more energy, a better attention span, and you won’t “space out” nearly as much. Skipping the most important meal of the day will throw off your eating pattern by making you hungrier for lunch and dinner, often causing you to overeat and feel tired afterwards.
3. Prepare Your Mind For Work.

Having a healthy mind is the key to performing well in your job. Allow yourself time in the morning to prepare for the day ahead. Listen to some music, meditate, and review your daily tasks. Some successful people have said that they sit in silence and focus on breathing for 3 minutes every day. Try this and see how it feels.
4. Dress Comfortably At Work

Dressing to impress is important, but so is dressing comfortably. It can have a big impact on how you feel at work, even if you are not conscious about it.
5. Cut The Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant and cutting caffeine can actually help to give you more energy, and it allows you to feel calmer. It also helps you sleep more deeply as residual caffeine disrupts sleep patterns.
6. Avoid Drinking Energy Drinks

Same as above, although it is argued that energy drinks such as Red Bull are far worse for you than coffee, due to high sugar content and carbonation.
7. Eat Nutritiously and On Time

Your body and brain need certain vitamins and minerals to function properly. Eating the right foods at the right hours will make a big difference in your ability to focus during the day. Eating right will also help you stay in shape and keep your digestive system and metabolism on track.
8. Stay Hydrated

Certain studies have suggested up to 75% of people are dehydrated, are you one of them? Make sure you drink enough water during the day to hydrate yourself. Even mild dehydration can lead to tiredness and a lack of productivity.
9. Straighten Your Back

If you have bad posture while you're working, it can have serious negative effects on your body. Back, eye and head-aches are just the first consequences on a long list. Always make sure you aren't slouching. Make sure you are sitting comfortably. Having an uncomfortable seat isn't just annoying, but it can be bad for your health as it forces your body into a position that isn't natural.
10. Keep Moving Around

Make sure that you are doing your best to keep your body moving. You can join a gym, cycle or walk to work if possible. It’s important to keep the blood flowing which helps to regulate oxygen levels in the brain and body.
11. Support Your Hands/Arms When Typing

A big part of our daily activity in the office involves typing. You need to make sure your hands are comfortable to avoid conditions such as arthritis, tennis elbow and tendinitis. This is even more important with laptop computers due to their design.
12. Use Soft Lighting

Having incorrect lighting can lead to migraines and could damage your eyesight. Make sure your screen is set to an adequate brightness. Make sure overhead lighting is also not an offender.
13. Take Breaks From Your Screen

Staring at a screen for too long can also lead to headaches and long-term damage to your eye sight. It's recommended that you take at least 5 minutes every hour away from your desk to give your eyes a rest.
14. Wash Your Hands

Washing hands before and after you eat, in addition to a bathroom visit helps to stop the spread of bacteria and viruses. These preventive measures will keep infections at bay.
15. Keep Your Desk Clean

Thoroughly clean your work space from time to time. Excess dust on your computer, skin and lungs can have an effect on your well being. If you eat at your desk, make sure you clean your work space after. This is a preventive measure against the spread of bacteria that can affect your digestive system.
16. Always Take Your Designated Break

Make sure you don’t skip your lunch break. That daily break is very important to help reset yourself to focus on the next half of the day. Go for a walk, relax and maybe listen to some music. You'll thank yourself for it later in the day.
17. Separate Your Office/Home Life

Once the day is finished, leave your work at the office and enjoy your evening. Remember, your work is never finished so being able to leave your work in the office leads to a happier home life.
18. Manage Your Stress Levels

In this day and age, everyone suffers from stress. Do whatever you can do reduce stress as it can lead to a whole host of health problems. Take up yoga, meditate, plan your day better. Do whatever you can to unwind.
19. Fresh Air

Getting some fresh air is always a good idea. The air in the office can often get a bit stuffy, especially in winter when we try to keep the cold out. Take a short stroll! The abundance of oxygen flowing to your brain will make you feel more energised and increase productivity.
20. Smile/laugh!

Smiling is good for you, and that’s a fact. Basically – it releases chemicals that make us feel good. A relaxed office setting and the occasional joke will keep workers happy and the environment more productive.